miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Auxiliares modales (Ejercicios para resolver) must, have to, should, could, may, would rather y would prefer.

* Must

1.-  Robert ________ go to the bank. He hasn't got any money.

   2.-I ________ hurry up if I don't want to miss the plane.
   3.- I ___________ pick up my sister from the airport tomorrow.

   4.- It is raining. You _________ take your umbrella

   5.- You _____________ throw litter on the stairs

   * Have to 

1.- You don't ___________ pay. The entrance is free.

2.-  Doctors __________ treat people.

3.-  I don´t __________ work on Saturdays.

4.- A secretary __________ be organised.

5.- Teachers ___________ be very patient.

* Should

1.- You ____________ drink a glass of water.

2.- You _____________ tell the teacher.

3.- My back hurts. You ____________ go to the doctor's 

4.- You ___________________ waste your money on so many presents

5.- You _________________ talk to her 

* Could

1.- She ___________ phone you

2.- He ____________ play the piano

3.- I tried, but I ___________ open this bottle 

4.- I ___________ speak German when I lived in Germany.

5.- __________ you do me a favor? 

6.- __________ I make a phone call?

* may

1.- You ___________ want to go to the cinema

2.- _______ I take this book?

3.- He _______ be working.

4.- He ________ have sold his car.

5.- We ________ pas english subjet with good grade

* Would rather

1,- I _______________ go to the cinema

2.- She __________________ go out than stay at home

3.- I ______________  swim than run

4.- She ________________ eat a salad than a hamburger

5.- I ___________________ travel by train than drive. 

*Would prefer

1.-  I _________________ to go to the cinema. 

2.- They _______________ to travel to London rather than go skiing. 

3.- I _________________ to travel by train rather than drive

4.- I _________________ to swim rather than run

5.- Sarah _________________ to go to the cinema rather than go to the theatre

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