miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

Ideomatic Future

Ejercicios para la complementación de oraciones en futuro ideomatico: 

1.-I am __________ run a marathon.   

2.-I am __________ go for a walk.

3.-You are ___________ dance all night long.

4.-She is _____________ sleep now, she is really exhausted after today.

5.-We are ___________ visit our aunt in Florida.

6. Tom an Sue are ______________  move to the new house soon.

7. I am ______________ take up spanish classes.

8. She is _____________ start her new diet on Monday.

9. Shakira is ____________  to give a concert in Santiago next year.

10. Lucy is _______________ have her first baby in September.

11. It is _______________ rain this weekend.         
12. They are _____________ travel to Cancún this month.       
13.- She is __________________ visit you in one week.                                                                           
14. It is _________________ rain this weekend

15. He ______________  sleep within three hours                                                                                     

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